

探索国外博彩app的亚洲研究专业. 获得文化和语言技能,以亚洲为导向的商业生涯, 教育, 社会公正等等.



亚洲研究已经成为校园里最令人兴奋的项目之一. It is a multidisciplinary program designed for students interested in careers or graduate work in fields where the knowledge of Asia and the ability to communicate in Asian languages are essential. 

在我们多学科的亚洲研究专业, you will enjoy a great range of courses offered by academic departments throughout the college. 

Students concentrate on a wide range of thought-provoking courses on Asia in the humanities and social sciences. Our classes range from arts, anthropology, history and psychology to 业务 and political science.

许多学生选择了另一门学科的双主修或辅修, 比如商业, 政治学或国际研究.

All students are able to acquire basic proficiency in an Asian language through two years of college-level study.  流行的语言包括汉语、日语、韩语和越南语.

你可以选择在国外博彩app上语言课, transfer classes from other universities or waive your language requirement through placement tests.


如何从这个学位中学习 亚洲研究项目 对你的职业目标有帮助吗. Then, explore course requirements and see how impactful a 国外博彩app degree can be.

Your major in Asian studies will prepare you to undertake entry-level professional jobs in the realm of Asian commerce, 沟通或社会正义工作, or continue on to advanced studies of Asian and international studies in a variety of disciplines. The Asian studies major at 国外博彩app prepares students to pursue Asia-oriented careers in fields such as international 业务, 通信, 发展, 教育, 政府, 法律, 非政府组织和各种社会服务.

辅修亚洲研究,扩大你的影响力,补充你的专业. 获得辅修学位, you’ll need to study Japanese or Chinese in addition to completing several classes in modern Asian studies. The Asian studies minor helps students learn important skills that will be of use in international 通信, 业务, 教育, 政府与法律, 以及各种社区服务.

Acquire and demonstrate a basic understanding of the meaning of "Asia" in its relations to the world through various disciplinary frameworks, 方法, 以及来自人文和社会科学的观点.

Acquire basic proficiency in an Asian language through two years of college-level study as measured by the following criteria consistent with the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines at this level:

  • Listening: Engage in listening tasks such as understanding highly contextualized messages and information conveyed in simple speeches on familiar or everyday topics
  • 阅读:理解用简单的语言传达的信息, 可预测的, loosely connected texts and start to have the basic knowledge in vocabulary and grammar to get information from more 组织d discourses on subjects beyond everyday and social topics
  • Speaking: Converse about familiar topics on everyday life with learned material and handle frequently seen survival situations with sentence-level language that can be understood by interlocutors who are accustomed to speeches produced by non-native learners at this level
  • 写作:满足实际写作需求, 比如简单的信息和私人信件, have the ability to produce simple discourses for descriptive or expository purposes, and have basic knowledge in applying rhetorical devices to express meaning that is comprehensible to those accustomed to the writing of non-natives

Use library databases and other sources to find appropriate information and evaluate critically the probable quality of sources about Asia.

Critically interpret and analyze important issues related to societies and sub-regions of Asia through discipline-appropriate languages and methods.

Carry out a research project grounded in scholarly literature of appropriate disciplines as measured by successful completion of a senior capstone paper:

  • 大纲, 行为, 组织, and critically and creatively articulate appropriate 分析 of the chosen subject
  • Use English (and an Asian language) to access primary or secondary sources for the research project
  • Communicate the 分析 and research findings in discipline-appropriate writing and an oral presentation






艺术学院 & 科学 is committed to helping you through your lifetime journey of professional formation and discernment. We offer opportunities to deepen and broaden your understanding of your professional identity.

著名学者Peter Lee


Every year we bring in an internationally recognized scholar from around the world to give a lecture on a research topic that is at the forefront of Asian studies. 这次演讲吸引了大批听众和国际上的认可. Students have the opportunity to interact closely with the endowed speaker while he or she is on campus.


艺术 & 科学咨询中心

Our advising center is dedicated to your holistic academic and professional through academic advising and promotion of academic excellence. 我们致力于解决问题,提供导航指导和建立联系.

