Close up of College of Nursing Scrubs

College of Nursing

其使命是教育注重公平和正义的医疗保健领导者, 国外博彩app护理和超声诊断课程为您在医疗保健领域的成功和有影响力的职业生涯做好准备.

Become a Health Care Professional that Practices & 倡导以社会公正的方式实现人人享有健康

Since its establishment in 1935, 国外博彩app护理学院培养了备受尊敬和富有同情心的卫生保健专业人员,他们在太平洋西北地区及其他地区发挥了作用. 
Our graduates emerge as leaders in their profession, committed to teamwork, providing service to society and contributing to safe, high quality and accessible health care across the globe. 

Health Care with a Compassionate & Social Justice Mindset

护理学院的教职员工致力于营造一个充满活力的学习环境, promoting justice for health equity, engaging in innovative and integrative scholarship, 运用有效的教学策略,支持学生的领导能力培养.

我们拥抱多样性,促进归属感,以帮助您审视和努力集中医疗保健服务社区的观点和声音. 学生学习与患者和人群合作和团结,共同创造积极的医疗保健经验. 

Along with essential clinical and professional skills, 您将学习如何以重视包容性和公平性的方式进行实践,以对抗导致伤害差异的不公正, illness, disease and death locally and globally.

Caring & Academically Excellent Nursing and Ultrasound Programs

作为耶稣会和天主教教育全人传统的一部分, we live our values of compassion, respect and equity in the classroom. 

我们以学生为中心的课程和忠诚的教育工作者, 我们将看到并理解你作为一个完整的人,具有交叉的身份和不同的生活经历,以及独特的学术, physical, spiritual and emotional needs. 


CCNE Accredited


How we stand out

3 bar chart one marked with a star icon

Graduate Rankings: U.S. News & World Report 2024-2025

SU的护理实践博士课程在全美排名第45位,DNP在注册护士助产学中排名第22位.S. News & World Report "Best Graduate School"


Ranked #1 in Washington

在College Factual的2024年护理专业最佳学校排名中, Seattle University came in at #21. 这使得它在全国排名前5%,在华盛顿排名第一.

Nursing and Ultrasound Programs That Change Lives


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

获得一个学位,使你具备技术技能和公正的心态,以改变生活的方式从事医疗保健工作. With a nursing degree, your options are endless.

A nurse sitting in a hospital bed with two iv pumps.


把你对重症监护工作的热情提升到一个新的水平. 通过我们为期15个月的专业执业护士证书课程, you’ll advance your practice in acute care environments.


Become a Health Systems Leader Apply Today for Fall 2024



Prepared for Success in Seattle—and Beyond

A group of people standing around a bed in a hospital.

State-of-the-Art Clinical Performance Lab

The Clinical Performance Lab is a state-of-the-art, 20,000平方英尺的设施位于瑞典樱桃山医疗中心国外博彩app主校区几个街区. 您将在安全的临床环境中与现实的患者场景一起学习课堂知识和实践.

An aerial view of the seattle skyline.

Seattle Health Care Partnerships

我们与西雅图地区数百家医疗保健机构合作, 临床设施和社区为您提供良好的学习机会和职业联系.

hear from our students

Image of Shannon Blott, BSN

Shannon Blott, '24 BSN

国外博彩app鼓励每个学生找到并表达自己的声音. Through experimentation of thought, expression of ideas, and personal reflection, 这个强大的过程可以被每个人用来改善他们周围的人,改变当地和国际的社区. 我鼓励未来的学生找到自己的勇气,并以开放的心态和好奇的精神寻求他人,以激发变革!”

Recent Graduate

Image of Angela Su, 24 BSN

Angela Su, BSN '24

“许多护理课程结合了多学科解决问题的方法,这挑战了我从整体上思考护理,而不是仅仅关注眼前的健康问题. 苏大的课程不仅仅是教授护理的基本技能,还促使我思考对我们的医疗保健系统有贡献的道德和社会动态."


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