服务的动物 and 情感支持动物

国外博彩app is committed to making sure you have the support you need to succeed. 因此, we have easy-to-follow policies for students who have a service animal or emotional support animal that they need to bring to campus.

服务的动物 根据ADA的定义, a service animal is a dog that has been trained to perform an 活跃的 task ,减轻 or partially mitigates the impact of the handler’s disability. If a service animal’s role is not apparent to an observer, you might be asked two questions: “Is that a service animal for a disability?” and “What service/tasks does it perform for you?” Service animals generally do not require any contact with 残疾人服务.


Under the United States Department of 住房 and Urban Development’s Rules, emotional support animals include dogs and other animals, that provide 被动的支持 ,减轻, 全部或部分, an impact of a person’s disability, allowing them to benefit from 国外博彩app’s 住房 and Residence Life programs and services. An emotional support animal can be requested and approved by 残疾人服务 (DS) for 国外博彩app 住房 and Residence Life.

Requesting an Emotional Support Animal Accommodation

If you are requesting an emotional support animal, you should complete the following steps prior to moving into the residence hall. If you’re living in the Douglas Apartments and Vi Hilbert Hall, please talk to your property manager.

  1. Download the Service Animal and ESA Guidelines form found on 残疾人服务 > 住房住宿. This form is to be completed by a health or mental health care provider and submitted to 残疾人服务.
  2. Make an appointment with 残疾人服务 to discuss the accommodation.
  3. You will receive notification from 残疾人服务 if request for an “emotional support animal in residence” is approved or denied. 残疾人服务 may also request additional information if the initial Emotional Support Animal Request for 信息m doesn’t provide the necessary information.
  4. If request for an “emotional support animal in residence” is approved, vaccination records and/or an attestation from a veterinarian that the animal is in good health and verification of pet license per King County/Seattle requirements needs to be submitted to 残疾人服务.
  5. You will make an appointment with 住房 and Residence Life staff to review animal care in the 住房 Office in Campion 100.

Expectations after your assignment has been made and before move-in:

  1. You will need to submit to 残疾人服务 a vet report of good health/vaccination and proof that the animal is licensed with the City of Seattle.
  2. Final approval given for animal to come into residence by 国外博彩app HRL after animal care expectation meeting and vet report/licensing has been shared to 残疾人服务.
  3. All steps must be completed prior to animal arrival. If you bring an animal on campus prior to obtaining permission, you may be asked to remove the animal from campus.


All animals are the responsibility of their handlers and should be under their control (in proximity to the handler and responsive to commands, 在日常工作中, 被拴住的或被带着的).

  • An emotional support animal or service animal must be housebroken and under owners’ control (voice or tether) at all times.
    • Puppy rearing which focuses on socialization and general obedience training may not qualify as housebroken.
  • Emotional support animals must not be left alone for extended periods of time. It is the responsibility of the handler to arrange for care for the animal if the handler will be away from the animal overnight.
  • All waste from emotional support animals or service animals must be disposed of in outside receptacles.

An animal’s behavior is considered the handler’s behavior; the animal will be held to the same basic standard of conduct as its handler. If the animal is disruptive to university business or community behavioral expectations for educational, 医疗, and residential environments, you may be asked to correct the animal’s behavior or remove it from the environment.

我们在这里 为你

For information about housing and dining, contact us Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.

住房 and Residence Life

Campion Hall 100, 901 12th Ave, 西雅图,华盛顿州98122