



学习援助计划 supports students in their ongoing growth and development by providing academic support and learning strategy enhancement through a variety of services to meet individual needs. 我们期待着在您的学术旅程中与您联系.


我们为各种本科课程提供内容支持 1000–3000 语言领域的高级课程, 科学, 护理和数学通过临时辅导, 每周辅导或每周促进学习和语言对话小组. We also offer learning strategy support through individual consultation appointments (academic coaching sessions) or quarterly learning strategy workshops for all students. By providing you access to resources that support your development as a learner and your overall well-being, we support your academic goals and path to graduation and equip you with the 太ls you need to thrive as a professional in the future.  

Our combination of services is delivered by professional staff and peer educators so you can choose which combination of resources meets your unique needs. As a nationally certified program through the College Reading and Learning Association, peer educators complete ongoing professional development opportunities to ensure that they are well-positioned to offer strategic and thorough support for their peers in specific courses. Feedback at the end of each quarter reflects a high level of student satisfaction with the effectiveness of these learning resources.




Participated in tutoring, study groups, conversation groups, workshops and consultations in 2022–23.



我们支持了数千小时的学习, 提高学生的学业成绩和进度,争取在2022-23年毕业.





We support your academic experience and overall well-being at 国外博彩app through a range of academic resources and services. 


Schedule an appointment with a LAP professional staff member to learn more about how to improve the results of your study efforts. 学习管理时间和课程要求的技巧, 从阅读中获得更多的方法, 有效评审的技巧, 以及各种课程的学习方法.


为了更好地了解作为学习者的自己, we offer ways for you to review your current study habits and gain insights for ways to strengthen them. 在完成盘点后, you can discuss the results with an LAP professional staff member who can help you use this information to develop an approach that enhances your learning potential.

“Brainstorming new study methods for me to try based on what I already know about myself, 测试这些不同的方法, 决定哪一个有效真的很有帮助.”



我们在包括数学在内的各个学科领域提供同伴辅导, 科学, 护理, 现代语言. 导师和学生都从这种有意义的关系中受益. 我们提供两种形式的辅导:每周辅导和上门辅导.


Weekly tutoring offers you the opportunity to meet with a trained peer educator for an hour each week for the duration of the quarter. 在参加每周辅导之前, 你需要完成一份辅导需求评估, which is a 30-minute appointment to discuss your tutoring needs and session expectations.

The tutoring sessions occur on the same day and time each week and may be one-to-one or shared with another student from the same course section. Weekly tutoring begins during the third week of the quarter and continues for the remainder of the quarter. Students are encouraged to register early in the quarter for weekly tutoring to gain the maximum benefits.

注意: 因为大多数人文学科课程(例如, 历史, 英语, 哲学, 神学)在内容和教师风格上有很大的不同, 我们不提供这些科目的辅导. 然而, 个别咨询预约期间(ICA), 我们可以帮你设计这些课程的学习方法, 太. For other classes we may not tutor, we can often point students to other campus resources. (你可以找到会计方面的辅导, 阿尔伯斯商学院经济与商业传播专业 & 经济学.)


Drop-in tutoring with subject-specialized peer educators is available as 30-minute appointments on a space-available basis.



促进学习小组 offer you opportunities to collaborate with your peers and trained student facilitators to study class materials and practice essential skills for targeted courses. Student facilitators work with faculty to identify key topics and develop learning activities that strengthen understanding of course content. 你也会学到学习材料和准备考试的有用方法.

语言对话组 provide small groups of students in select courses opportunities to strengthen their speaking and listening skills by working with trained peer educators. Peer educators collaborate with faculty to identify conversation topics and key skills for students to practice. 你也会学到有用的语言学习策略.

“The best aspect of my study group was being able to have specific problems helped because they were usually on the tougher topics. I also liked having the group setting for us classmates to collaborate and share ideas when we were stuck.——国外博彩app学生


We offer a series of workshops for the campus community to engage in ideas and resources that contribute to their overall academic success. Join us in various opportunities each quarter in learning strategies that will enrich your student experience as part of the 国外博彩app community.


Our learning strategy workshops series provides study strategies and guidance to ensure you are well-equipped to tackle the ins and outs of university life. Our asynchronous series ensures that you have access to these helpful workshops anywhere and anytime that fits your schedule.

“参加这个研讨会非常有用. 这是一场信息丰富、高质量的演讲.——国外博彩app学生

"This workshop completely changed my responses to how I work with my own ADD as a student. It also catalyzed me toward doing serious research on how ADD is treated without fragmentation, and has changed how I approach the children and families I serve in my clinical counseling internship who need help with ADD."


We are located on the 2nd floor of Lemieux图书馆, and also on our Virtual Front Desk (Zoom).