Documentation Guidelines

Guidelines for documentation you need to be eligible for disability accommodations.

To determine eligibility for reasonable and appropriate accommodations, you must have a documented disability as defined by state and federal regulations. You must provide professional documentation which meets the criteria set forth below. If the information provided does not sufficiently support an accommodation request, then further information may be required. 

If you received accommodations in high school or at another college, then you should submit current documentation to be reviewed by staff. Note that eligibility of accommodations in one educational setting does not automatically result in eligibility at another educational setting.

In order to verify eligibility for 服务 and to fully evaluate requests for accommodations, Seattle University requires you to submit documentation to Disability Services. Documentation must be from a qualified licensed care provider that establishes the nature of the disability, provides information supporting your current need for accommodations, and may list recommended 服务. If the information provided does not sufficiently support an accommodation request, then further information may be required. You are responsible for the cost of providing documentation. Seattle University recognizes that the specific elements and format of evaluations will vary.

Documentation Requirements

  1. 日期  
  2. Disability Statement: A statement that identifies the nature of the disability or medical condition you experience.
  3. Evaluation Methods & 结果: A description of the type of evaluation methods or procedures used, 结果, and the date of the evaluation.  The evaluation methods used must be consistent with the disability and current professional practices within the field. Types of evaluations may include: psychological evaluations, physical examinations, clinical interviews, 等. 
    结果 from a psychological evaluation must be included if you are requesting accommodations for a learning disability. The evaluation must include more than one subtest, and tests must be standardized and individually administered.
  4. 当前影响(年代) 残疾人士: A description of how the disability impacts you in the educational and/or residential environment that may result in a need for accommodation at the university level. The evaluation will be considered current if it can provide accurate information about your abilities and needs as related to the accommodation request. Your individual development, the typical progression of the disability, and changes in your environment are all factors in this determination.
  5. 凭证 & Contact Information of the Care Provider: Information that indicates the certification or licensure of the care provider(s) who conducted the evaluation. The care provider’s credentials must demonstrate expertise in the type of disability evaluation provided.
  6. Signature of the Care Provider: A handwritten or digital signature is required.  

Helpful, But Not Required

  • A description of the history and expected progression or stability of the impact of the disability over time.
  • 治疗, 药物, 服务, and/or assistive devices currently prescribed, and their level of effectiveness.
  • Recommendations for accommodations, 自适应设备, assistive 服务, and support 服务 as specifically related to the functional impacts noted.

*Requirements of the Seattle University Law School may differ. Contact the Law School directly for the 
policies and procedures.

PDF Version of Documentation Requirements

No Diagnosed Disability?

If you suspect you have an undiagnosed disability and/or qualify for accommodations, you are still encouraged to submit an application to DS. During the Access Planning Meeting, a DS director can discuss how to obtain a professional assessment.

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We're happy to answer questions you may have about Disability Services or accommodations at SU.

Disability Services Office