Connect Spiritually

Ignatian Spirituality Center

The Seattle University Alumni Association partners with the Ignatian Spirituality Center (ISC) to offer Ignatian and Jesuit Catholic program offerings directly to alumni. The ISC offers a wide variety of programs and retreats that aim to meet people of all faith traditions wherever they are in their spiritual journey and to help them deepen and explore their relationship with God.

Ignatian spirituality logo

Jesuit Friends & Alumni Network

Jesuit Friends and Alumni Network (JFAN) groups are located in cities around the country, providing networking and fellowship opportunities for alumni of Jesuit high schools and universities who want to learn more about Ignatian spirituality.

Jesuit Friends and Alumni Network logo

Prayer Room & Ecumenical Chapel

Inside Seattle U’s Campion Tower, the Multifaith Prayer Room and Ecumenical Chapel offers quiet places for reflection and prayer for all faith traditions.

Prayer room photo